“regi” method (sarpy.processing.registration.regi)

Basic image registration, generally best suited most suited for coherent image collection. This is based pretty directly on an approach developed at Sandia and generally referred to by the name “regi”.

The relevant matlab code appears to be authored by Terry M. Calloway, Sandia National Laboratories, and modified by Wade Schwartzkopf, NGA.

sarpy.processing.registration.regi.register_arrays(reference_data: ndarray, moving_data: ndarray) List[List[Dict]]

Register the moving_data array to the reference_data array using the regi algorithm.

  • reference_data (numpy.ndarray) –

  • moving_data (numpy.ndarray) –


result_values – entry [i][j] tell the mapping of the reference location in nominal reference grid to moving grid location {'reference_location': (row, column), 'moving_location': (matched_row, matched_column), 'max_correlation': <value>}

Return type:
